The Alexandria Project

The Alexandria Project
(Authors Guild: Lincoln, NE, 2001)
ISBN: 0-595-18348-4 $19.95

The Alexandria Project eBook
The Alexandria Project eBook
The Digital Bundle includes The Alexandria Project in the following formats: Kindle Format and EPUB for iPad/Nook/Sony Reader, Kobo, etc

Kindle Version Also Now Available:

The Alexandria Project is the true story of how researchers from five universities and organizations went to Egypt to put the claims of a psychic ability known as Remote Viewing to the ultimate test: was it possible under rigorously controlled conditions for some part of the human mind to locate and describe ancient sites known to exist, but now lost to history? A second test was also carried out: how good was Remote Viewing when compared with electronic remote sensing technologies traditionally used by archaeologists? This book provides the surprising answers.

It is possible, in this newly revised edition, to look back on both the skeptics and the research they criticized and make a determination as to who was correct.

Critical Reviews:

“As an archaeologist, with 20 years experience working in Alexandria. I would say the discoveries are of the highest importance…”

Mieczyslaw Rodziewicz
Director, University of Warsaw, Archaeological Mission in Alexandria

“Psychics and scientists bury the hatchet and turn up mind-blowing results for parapsychologist Stephan Schwartz”

US Magazine

“One of the great mysteries of the archaeological world, the location of the palace of the Egyptian seductress Cleaopatra, has been solved…”

Front Page, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner