
For your security all orders are processed on PayPal’s secured servers. No sensitive payment information is stored by

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You will be redirected to PayPal (what is PayPal?) for payment when you hit the “Checkout” button. You can pay using a Credit Card or your PayPal account. eCheque payments will need to be cleared before download links are delivered to you.

After the payment, you will be redirected to a page where you will see an order summary and be able to download the product(s) instantly if applicable. You will also receive an email copy of your order with the product download link(s) if you ordered e-versions of our products.

To help ensure you receive your purchase confirmation email, please add us to your email contact list: customerservice (at)

If you do not receive your email purchase confirmation receipt, be sure to check your SPAM folder before contacting us.  Gmail users also look in the “Promotions” and “Update” tabs of your inbox.